Often we get caught up in how we think things should be. And, how it should appear in the right light. Our perception gets clouded by our expectations. But right […]
Mind, Body & Spirit
Because a guilt-free, stronger you tomorrow, is better and wiser and deeper.
Here’s the thing I know … you will be tempted. Especially when working on a big shift. Even the smallest unsavory urges can require the most courageous strength. Those micro-moments […]
Many of us are trying to metaphorically find our way home. To a new home with more open space and better emotional energy. We want to gain a deeper understanding […]
When Life is Painful
I’m hurting in ways I could never have imagined. A mother never wants to hear the news I received last week about one of my children. Maybe you are currently […]
You don’t feel safe! Logically, you realize everything that’s happening now has happened before, and the world didn’t end. Maybe everything we thought we knew has ended. At least temporarily. […]
Many moons ago when my kids were little, getting up early seemed like a necessity, not just a conscious decision. As a young mother of five kids I needed multiple […]