I had screwed up big time. And the relationship was going downhill fast. I was feeling emotional, judgmental and slighted. I felt that things were breaking down and that the communication could become destructive instead of constructive. This was looking nothing like my positive vision for the business relationship I was trying to build.
As I struggled with this dilemma, I reached out to two of my own seasoned business mentors. They both reminded me to move forward with an honest but non-judgmental, caring approach. To directly express my concerns in a spirit of curiosity. To listen to the other person before coming to any firm conclusions.
So I did just that with this prospective employee, and it led to an authentic and optimistic conversation. Even though it began in an emotionally tight way, it moved to open, meaningful discussion, and then reached a mutual willingness to look for ways we could work together.
This encounter reminded me that communications will move in a productive direction when we approach them with curiosity instead of judgment. It doesn’t mean you soften boundaries either. It’s more about having compassionate wisdom.
Food for Thought:
Are you blocking a growth opportunity for a healthy progressive relationship, or are you being stubborn and defensive?
Think of it this way; From DESTRUCTIVE to INSTRUCTIVE to CONSTRUCTIVE: The Path of Connection
May you receive blessings in the lessons as you grow your entrepreneurial business!
In the spirit of compassionate wisdom,