Often we get caught up in how we think things should be. And, how it should appear in the right light. Our perception gets clouded by our expectations. But right now, whatever we’re going through, it offers an opportunity for us to see things as they really are. To view them as openly and clearly as we can.
Also, the way we feel in this moment is important. If we can just acknowledge the feelings we are having, we can expand our awareness. We can discover and learn some very important lessons. If we remain calm, and not be in such a hurry to change things, this time can become a temple of insight, wisdom and transition. Perhaps that is what it is meant to be.
Maybe God’s plan for us is to reap every grain of truth, even in these hardest of moments. We can see more clearly the truth within the light of mystery, rather than searching so desperately for vague answers, cloaked in darkness.
Perhaps this is why being non-judgement is so vital to our well being during times of conflict and chaos. If we can work at being calm and comfortable within the distress, we may actually feel safer, stronger and more secure, both now and in the future. We can gain a deep spiritual resilience, that even impacts others.
In the spirit of empowerment,